Quote of the Day

Every true genius is bound to be naive.
Friedrich Schiller

A letter from the heart.....

Love all of you who are still supporting me, thanks a million.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

DIY Pin Cushion

Every tailor needs a pin cushion. Ehem. And I'm about to become one so of course I need one. 

I went to Typo the other day and saw a sewing kit in a mason jar with a pin cushion on it. So cute I might end up buying it. But anyway, I already had whatever basic sewing needs why do I need another one?

So I googled for DIY pin cushion and found those cute ones.

And mine not even close. Hahahaha

So not cute but as long as it serve its purpose, whatever. Hahahaha

And those lovely pins are from Typo.


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