Quote of the Day

Every true genius is bound to be naive.
Friedrich Schiller

A letter from the heart.....

Love all of you who are still supporting me, thanks a million.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Washi tape monogram

There is this washi tape seller who keep on posting washi tape ideas on instagram and it keeps crawling under my skin that I need to do it then. Gahhh.

So I bought two new washi tape at Tropicana City Mall. And they are the cheapest I can find so far, at only RM5.90 each.

I had this washi tapes collection which is not that many but if I didnt use them, they keep on increasing and they will take up a lot of space to store. Hmmmm....

Anyway, since I love the idea of decorating wooden letters with washi tape so I would love to make my own.

Easiest thing to do so far. And automatically I made the symbol look much cuter. Eh? I love it! 

It defines me. Ehem. Hahahaha

I really, really can't wait to get my hands on to decorate more in the house using washi tape.

What can I washi-fy next?

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