
Saturday, May 10, 2014

White Cup doodle?

I was amused by all #whitecupcontest submission for Starbucks. They all are amazing! Super amazing which we will never thought of drawing things like girrafe or a bear on a cup!

And here I am just thinking about a stupid design using artline gold and black marker.

But I'm definitely proud of it! Hahaha

I love how it turns out. I thought it would look trashy. Instead, there you go. Hahaha

I was purposely ordered a hot latte to get this white cup and I washed it after finish the drink. Hah. So stupid that I think I can just asked from the barista for an extra cup! Can I do that?

So far, after browsing all the pictures on Instagram, I havent found anyone's design closer to mine. I was impressed that nobody thought about it. Yeap, definitely since I was the only one who can draw like a 6 year old. Hahahaha

Anyway, I was happy drawing on the white cup. I will get more white cups and practice on my drawing, eh?

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive design - definitely not something that just anybody can do! Never got a white cup before - then again, even if I did, I wouldn't know what to doodle on it! :D
