
Saturday, May 10, 2014

White Cup doodle?

I was amused by all #whitecupcontest submission for Starbucks. They all are amazing! Super amazing which we will never thought of drawing things like girrafe or a bear on a cup!

And here I am just thinking about a stupid design using artline gold and black marker.

But I'm definitely proud of it! Hahaha

I love how it turns out. I thought it would look trashy. Instead, there you go. Hahaha

I was purposely ordered a hot latte to get this white cup and I washed it after finish the drink. Hah. So stupid that I think I can just asked from the barista for an extra cup! Can I do that?

So far, after browsing all the pictures on Instagram, I havent found anyone's design closer to mine. I was impressed that nobody thought about it. Yeap, definitely since I was the only one who can draw like a 6 year old. Hahahaha

Anyway, I was happy drawing on the white cup. I will get more white cups and practice on my drawing, eh?

Happy weekend!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Washi tape monogram

There is this washi tape seller who keep on posting washi tape ideas on instagram and it keeps crawling under my skin that I need to do it then. Gahhh.

So I bought two new washi tape at Tropicana City Mall. And they are the cheapest I can find so far, at only RM5.90 each.

I had this washi tapes collection which is not that many but if I didnt use them, they keep on increasing and they will take up a lot of space to store. Hmmmm....

Anyway, since I love the idea of decorating wooden letters with washi tape so I would love to make my own.

Easiest thing to do so far. And automatically I made the symbol look much cuter. Eh? I love it! 

It defines me. Ehem. Hahahaha

I really, really can't wait to get my hands on to decorate more in the house using washi tape.

What can I washi-fy next?