
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I just love the style

I can't remember where I found his name but I found this interesting picture captured by him before I knew who he is:

Love the idea of combining quilling with the hair dryer.

And then, I dont know how I came to the name of Carl Kleiner, I was amazed at the very first time when I saw the photographs he took in his website. I love the way he captured for ikea, stadium and more!! I was drooling over his photos for hours. And never get tired of it.

I was down the other day because of some issues about I'm not that creative, I'm not talented, I cannot go further with this, etc kind of stuff. I was so down, that I don't even have a heart to work! And then I checked my emails, browsing thru some stuff and found a picture I was interested in and it links to Carl's website. I was stunned and surprise to see how beautiful the pictures he captured and turn into an art piece.

And while browsing thru his website, I just feel good about myself again. I just did. Why such a simple egg and flour as models can be turned into some kind of awesome picture/ piece of art. And to that, I just figure out myself that everybody has a different style and art is something that symbolize the artist and his/her personalities.

Because of his picture, I am currently trying to figure out my signature style that can show me I'm different than other quillers/ crafters. I'm still lacking of skills but I'm currently learning. And I'm serious about this. In order to make full use of myself, I wanted to make more projects this year.

And yeah, some of my favorite pictures taken from Carl's to feast your eyes, and please, please agree with me that HE IS ONE VERY TALENTED PHOTOGRAPHER.

I like him. ^_^



I like this. Because I saw the greens!!



So cute!!!

Mr. Hanger is sad.

It's an art, I just love it.

When I see this, I saw something else, 
like alphabets or something.

Agree with me now, ehh??


  1. Agree! Agree! Giler BEST! Ismah, you do have a gift in you:).. juz be yourself and keep it up! Alrite? I think your idea on the calligraphy & quilling tu mmg best! Also the 'maze' you did with paper. My tangan tak bleh sgt wat kraf.. 'kerastangan'. haha.

  2. Dont know what happen, dah comment panjang2 tiba2 tak boleh pulakk hehe

    Anyway, tq :) yelahh just be urself in what we do kann?? Tq for ur support.

    Calligraphy tu separa idea je coz the other half tu was my sister's. Dia macam orang tua yang nak letak Allah Muhammad dekat bilik dia nak hang dekat wall haha

    At least u boleh buat graphic.. wahh envy uuuu hehe
